Haute Cobalt

Skinny Shot

  • Skinny Shot

Haute Cobalt

Skinny Shot

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Help your Metabolism help you! Weight gain is inevitable from time to time for most of us. The skinny shot is a vitamin injection that includes lipotropic amino acids has no stimulants and is all natural. Lipotropic means “fat loving”. These naturally occurring amino acids contribute to a speedier metabolism and help the body more effectively rid itself of fat. In addition, the amino acids prevent the buildup of cholesterol and assist in the removal of toxins and wastes by the liver.


                Vitamin B12: Important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and formation of red blood cells, it is also involved in energy production and fatty acid synthesis.

                Choline: Choline helps to metabolize fat, control weight and cholesterol levels. Aside from its fat related benefits, choline also helps to maintain healthy cell membranes. Deficiencies of choline may contribute to cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver.

                Inositol: Inositol is needed for cellular health with an emphasis on the brain, bone marrow, eyes and intestines. Aside from its mesotherapy benefits it has been used for obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, the promotion of hair growth and may help to lower cholesterol levels.

                Methionine: Methionine is an essential amino acid and is extremely important for liver detoxification, heavy metal chelation and as an anti-inflammatory. Along with choline it aids in reducing fatty liver.

                Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP): AMP is an intermediary metabolite formed during the body’s process of creating energy In the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). AMP has been used to decrease the pain associated with herpes zoster (shingles). AMP is formed by the heart muscle when oxygen is low and improves the hearts ability to use blood sugar for energy during stress.